Senin, 09 April 2012




Future of mankind in the Hereafter is divided into several groups. Differences in the level and degree of their happiness and suffering was vast, as their differences in happiness and misery in the world. Because the Supreme Setting mulki and Malakut nature is the same one God, the God who has no partner to Him.
Allah Ta'ala revealed, which means:
"See how we preferred some of them for some (other). And surely the Hereafter Higher levels and greater primacy. "(Al-Isra ': 21)
In the hereafter the whole human race is divided into four groups:
A. The people who get hurt.2. People who are in torment.3. The people who survived.4. People who are lucky.
We will give you a metaphor that describes how the shape of the distribution of the level and degree of human judgment. In this world, when a king came to power in a region, then among the people there who were killed, some are just on punishment, there is simply freed and some are given a wide range of gifts and good standing at his side. The people who were killed is a parable for those who are wretched. People who are in torment is a parable for those who are in torment. People who just freed is a parable for those who survived. Whereas those on honors bestowed and a wide range of gifts is a parable for those who are lucky.
If the king's wise, he certainly would not treat them like the above just for no reason. He will not do the killing except to those who are disobedient and rebellious to him. Whoever did so, then the king will kill him. So did the people who perished in the Hereafter is the unbelievers who oppose and rebel against Allah the Almighty King. They will live eternally in hell. They are the people perish, the people who get hurt.
Then the king will not torture, unless they were negligent in their duties, although they continue to recognize and honor his position as king. They do not comply with applicable regulations, then the king should punish them according to thefault. Punishment they receive is not the same as those errors also vary. If, in the world, then how in the Hereafter, when all humans faced with Allah the Almighty the King?
Furthermore, the king will not give freedom except to people who recognize his position as king nor negligent in their duties. These people saved from the punishment, but he did not get a gift and a gift from the king.
The king also would not give the award except to those who faithfully serve and defend him all his life. And the award that is given to people who are also fortunatevaries according to the level of devotion to the king.
Then, the act of destroying the people who might harm done to decapitate their necks or tortured according to the level of defiance. King has his own way tocarrying out the death penalty. Similarly, in punishing those who deserve it, lighter, weight, length and type of sentence in accordance with the level of their negligence. So there are people who hurt, there should be subjected to torture for some time, there were no survivors and occupy the homes of peace and those that are lucky. Then the lucky people who are divided into several groups, each of which will occupy Heaven 'Eden, or Paradise Paradise Paradise Ma'wa. Similarly, people who are in torment, among those who underwent torture for a while there, some are undergoing torments for a thousand years and some are over seven thousand years, and that was the last group that will come out of hell, as there is testimony in the hadith. Similarly, people who are hurt (perish), those who despair of the mercy of God, also different levels of them, according to the difference of obedience and disobedience respectively.
One day Imam Al-Ghazali gathered with his disciples and then he gave the question a puzzle ...
Imam Ghazali: "What is the closest to us in this world?"Disciple 1: ParentsDisciples 2: TeacherDisciples 3: FriendsImam Ghazali: All the answers were correct. But that is closest to us is OFF. Because it is the promise of Allah SWT that every soul will surely feel the death (Surah Ali-Imran: 185).
Imam Ghazali: "What is most distant from us in this world?"Disciple 1: Affairs of ChinaDisciples 2: The MoonDisciples 3: The SunIman Ghazali: All the answers were correct. But the most correct is the PAST. However we, any of our vehicles, we still will not be able to return to the past. Therefore we have to maintain this today, tomorrow and the days to come with a deed in accordance with the teachings of religion.
Imam Ghazali: "What is the biggest in the world?"Disciple 1: MountainDisciples 2: The SunDisciples 3: EarthImam Ghazali: All the answers were correct, but it is huge Lust (Surah Al A'raf: 179)."And indeed We gave to (the contents of Hell) most of the jinn and human beings, they have hearts, but not dipergunakannya to understand (the verses of Allah SWT) and they have eyes (but) not dipergunakannya to see (the signs of Allah SWT), and they have the ear (but) not employed the hearing (the verses of Allah SWT). They are like cattle, nay even more astray. They are the ones who fail. "
Imam Ghazali: "What is most severe in the world?"Disciple 1: SteelDisciples 2: IronDisciples 3: ElephantImam Ghazali: All true, but the difficulty is in HOLD mandate (Surah Al-Azab: 72)."Surely We offered the trust [*] to the heavens, the earth and the mountains, but they refused to undertake it, being afraid, and that the mandate dipikullah by humans. Behold, the man is very unjust and very stupid ".
[*]: What is meant by the message here is that the tasks keagamaan.Tumbuh-plants, animals, mountains, and all the angels when Allad SWT can not ask them to be caliph (leader) in this world. But man-captured fight with his arrogant demand undertakes Allah so many people going to hell for failing to hold a mandate.
Imam Ghazali: "What is the lightest in the world?"Disciple 1: CottonDisciples 2: WindDisciples 3: DustImam Ghazali: All of your answers were correct, but the lightest one in this world is PRAYER AWAY. Because of our work or business of the world, we leave prayer.
Imam Ghazali: "What is the sharpest one in the world?"The students to answer in unison: SwordImam Ghazali: That's right, but the sharpest one in this world is a HUMAN TONGUE. Because through the tongue, man easily hurt and hurt the feelings of his own brother.
Tipu Scholars Resources The Override * Spiritual Discourse Imam al Ghazali *Among scholars there are some classes. One group of them, are too deep among the shari'ah sciences and sciences rasionaI. They are preoccupied with discipline, but the guard ignores him of immoral acts and neglect of obedience. They are deluded by their own knowledge. Surprisingly, they expect to have a position in front of Allah swt. In fact, they assume that God would not torment him, because his knowledge has reached a certain stage. They felt able to intercede for others, and they are not exposed to the demands of sin and guilt. They were actually deceived.If only they would see with the eyes of the heart, they would find the point of view that science is divided into two:Muamalat Science andMukasyafah science, the knowledge of Allah swt. and his properties.While Muamalat Science lessons serve as a complementary target, ie the knowledge of halal and haram, knowledge and impeccable ethics terpuji.Mereka soul is like a doctor who can treat other people, while he himself when ill actually be able to treat themselves, but it not done. So what's the point of such treatment? It was far short of expectations, where therapy is not helpful unless people are willing to take the drug after feeling the fever. They forget the words of God Almighty.: "It is truly happy person purifies the soul and actually lost the person who contaminated". (Q.S. ash-Sayms: 9-10).God does not say, "Anyone who knows the purification of the soul and writes his knowledge, and teach it to people." They were negligent towards the Prophet.: "Whoever increases his knowledge and not added hidayahnya, it will not get away from God but from his" ."Those who most tormented on the Day of Judgment is a scientist who was not given by God for the benefit of his knowledge".And other traditions are worth. They are the scholars who hit tipudayanya own, and may God keep us from their behavior. They are actually oppressed by earthly love, egoism and the world just looking for convenience, while dreaming that science is able to save themselves in the next without having to charity.The first groupWhile the other scholars pursue knowledge and outward deeds, immoral-immoral outer leaves, but neglects the spiritual condition of his soul. They do not want to delete the deplorable nature before God Almighty. such as: arrogant, riya ', envy, ambition, position and status, poor eager to fellow friends, seeking popularity in the middle of the country and its people.All that is guile, which is caused by the negligence of the Prophetic traditions.:"Riya 'is a minor shirk"."Envy is like a fire consuming the good of dry wood burned.""Love can lead to wealth and glory of hypocrisy in the liver, such as water to grow vegetables". And other traditions.They also forget the word of Allah swt.: "Except those who turn to God with a pure heart". (Q.S. ash-Syu'ara ': 89).They were negligent and her busy enough with mere outward charity. Yet that did not obey her heart, will not be valid Meekly. He is like a scab diseased person, then the doctor ordered to put on and take medicine, but he was just busy rubbing the outer skin only, without taking the drugs. Finally, beyond the disease disappear but the disease it is still entrenched. Yet it is precisely the root of the disease, hence the more it increaseth the disease. If the source of the disease disappear, certainly outside the lighter. Similarly, the dirt when perched in the heart, will look at the physical effect.The two groupsAnother group of scholars familiar with the inner ethics and knowing that the offense was scorned by the shari'ah. However, because they are too proud and amazed at themselves, they thought themselves free from the insults. On the side of God, according to them, have been free from such trials. Those who are abused are among the laity, not the party that has been de-grade the standard of science. While they are among the scholars felt free of the sanctions, so that they fall into delusions of greatness and the level of the throne, ambition virtue and honor, and they are deceived by their own allegations, that the way they did it not as an act of arrogance. They argued that what was done, in an attempt to glorify religion, knowledge, and help reveal the glory of the religion of Allah. Iupa their party because their actions were evil, they also neglects how the actual contribution Prophet. and how to disgrace the disbelievers.They also forgot, how the friends bertawadhu ', was humble, poor and living what it is. So that Umar r.a. been criticized for shabby clothes upon arrival at the Sham. Then Umar said, "We are a people in which God raised us with Islam. We do not seek glory other than Islam. "Guile Then another, wearing oversized clothes to grab the glory of religion, and he suspected that he was glorifying science and religion with respect for his actions. When they discussed the envy of his friends or those who counter to his words, he did not suspect that his actions were the envy as well. Then he dodged, "This is an outrage for the sake of truth, vanity counter the people who carried out through the hostility and kezalimannya." Of course the action is guile. Because when he stabbed his neighbor through his criticism, sometimes he threw not with anger, but with a sense of joy for being able to counter his friend.If the sight of men he looked angry, but their heart is happy. Sometimes lontarannya as show off knowledge, as he says, "My goal, actually contributed to human benefits," but his words were based on riya '. Because if the goal to make a virtue to man, certainly he would have preferred to actions performed by others of equivalent or above, even those who are in bawahnya.Kadang times when entering the house of the ruler, he was praised and revealing his love . When asked about his actions, he replied, "My goal is to benefit the common Muslims, and reject the dangers of the rulers." And he exposed himself tipudayanya. Of course, if this is so objective, surely he would be happy if other people are doing it. If there is someone who is willing and successful role in the presence of the ruler, he was just emotions on other people's actions.When he could reach the assets of the ruler, then came to his mind that the treasure is haram, all of a sudden Satan whispered, "This property has an owner, can be used for the benefit of Muslims. Community leaders and experts Andakan hell. Because religion is you can be upright. "Guile Here are three: First, that there is no property owner. Second, for the benefit of Muslims. Third, it is the leaders of the ummah.So if there is a leader (Imam) except those who reject worldly as the Prophet, his companions and scholars of the main community? And their worth, as Isa. said, "A poor scholar is like a rock on the edge of a cliff, do not perceive nor water emit water" that flowed to the farm. "Among science experts or scholars, many are deceived, and destructive actions more than the virtues of reform.The three groupsThey were able to define the sciences and physical cleansing, revealing obedience obedience, disobedience, disobedience away outwardly, while they ignore the moral life of the properties of hearts, so that it maintains riya ', envy, arrogance, resentment and ambition to reach the position. They are trying to fight to free themselves from these properties, they want to pull out the roots that grew in his heart, but they terpedaya.Sebab in the courtyard there are a number of his heart remains hidden, in the form of betrayal and flawed engineering satan desires deeper and steeper . They do not understand even then ignore it altogether. Though they are like people who want to clean the plants of the grass, he surrounded the plant and examine every inch of the existing plants and grass. But he did not pull out the grass roots in the soil, by assuming that everything is finished. When negligent will the roots of grass in the soil, the grass grows back and damage the plants. If they were willing to change will inevitably change. Sometimes they do not want to get along with others, as an expression of pride, even looked at them with one eye. Sometimes they do ijtihad criticism of other people that he not be underestimated.The four groupsfig cleric who left the importance of science. They only restrict fatwas only science in the field of law and justice. They were more worldly occupations to pursue a run for the good life. Then they pursue the field of science called fiqh. They call it a discipline or science school of jurisprudence, along with penekunannya while they ignore the deeds that outwardly and inwardly. They do not maintain physical, does not control the words of gossip, preventing the stomach from illicit goods, and does not prevent to go to the home authorities. If so the whole physical, they can not regulate his heart of arrogant attitude, riya ', envy and all the destructive properties.They are deluded by two things:First: In terms of science. We have built the therapy in the book Al-Ihya '. That they are like a sick person who knows the cure of the scholars, but do not want to know and do not want to use it. They were actually praised by the destruction, in terms that they leave the purification and concentration of the liver. They are more preoccupied with chapters periods, fines, li'an, dzihar, while they ignore the construction in his soul. They are deceived by the glorification of those who surrounded him, because he as a judge or mufti as the reference. When they split up so they are sticking their ugliness, but when they meet, they do not throw the throw-up again.Second: Also in terms of science. That they assume that science only in its field, with the suspect science can save him. Though the means that could save the love of Allah swt. Love of Allah swt. can not be achieved except by ma'rifatullah.Ma'rifat was threefold: ma'rifat Essence, Nature and ma'rifat ma'rifat Af'aal.They are like people who sell stock in the middle of the street people who really need it, while they did not know that the fiqh (understanding) that comes from God, to know His nature is to scare and prevent, so that the heart always feel the fear, to his piety, as the word- Him: "Why not go from each group among them several groups to deepen their knowledge of religion and to give warning to his people if they have been returned to him, so they were able to guard him." (Q.S. at-Tawbah: 122).Among them are limiting the field of religious knowledge in the field of jurisprudence to pursue mere polemical dimension antarulama (khilafiyah). They do not devote attention to the debate except through methods, disciplined and revealing polemic, aimed merely to maintain the truth of self pride and win a victory. Throughout the day and night they discussed the matter of contention antarmazhab, deriding the opponent or the lack of Terman. They actually do not aim to seek knowledge, but for a prestige in the eyes of others. If they are busy with clearing his heart, his actions certainly better than the knowledge that is not useful unless the mere benefit of the world and pride. Yet pride will be turned into a hell of a lick in the next school nanti.Padahal arguments are not more of the Qur'aan and the Sunnah of the Prophet. How bad their respective fields guile!The five groupsThey are busy with Kalam science and polemics, and the busy counter to counter his opponents. They reproduce the discourse of a different logic, and to his doctrine of the methodology in different against other groups. Among them are two: First, the false and misleading, and second, is among those who scrutinize detail.Kalangan false and misleading, they are deluded by negligence over embraced heresy with a strong suspicion that it could save heresy. The group was divided and each mengkafirkan each other. They lost because the sentencing of a view without knowing the evidence argument. and methodology. They considered doubtful proposition can be made a handle and the proof was finally syubhat.Sementara that examines the details, of the view that the debate was a matter of priority and occupies a prime position in the religion of Allah. They assume that nobody can be perfect religion have not examined all the details.Anyone who justifies God without making the research and study of a premise, he is not categorized as a believer is perfect and can not be close to Allah swt. Sarma they did not look at the first generation, that the Holy Prophet. witnessed by them as being the primary did not require an argument for one's faith. Abu al-Bahily Umamah r.a. been narrated from the Prophet. the bersada: "A people will never err at all except if the debate were brought to them".The six groupsThey are busy with the advice, elevating the people who discuss about the moral life and the properties of the liver, a khauf, the king, impatiently; gratitude; resignation, ascetic, yaqin, sincerity and honesty. They are actually affected by guile as if she expected to talk about it and preach predikatpredikat to invite people to discipline by the predicate, as if they have the same predicate. Yet regardless of their title except a few people, in which the layman does not know. They actually tied tremendous guile. Because they are amazed by her sendiri.Mereka suspect, that they do not dive into the science of love to God unless they are definitely good at it. They also feel safe and unforgivable sin because they memorized the words of the experts ascetic, while the quiet charity.They are actually more powerful than the Ulama tipudayanya before. This is because:They expect to love God and His Messenger, while they are not able to explore the nature of sincere unless they are really sincere.They never rests on mental disability is hidden unless they are holy. Similarly, all its properties.They love to show the world but worldly ascetic, but very ambitious with the world and a strong passion.They are sincere while advocating policies they never sincere.They show the act of praying to God when they run away from God Almighty.They reveal the fear of God when they feel themselves safe from the chastisement of God.They dhikr of Allah, but in fact they forgot him.They feel close to God when they are far from Him.They chided reprehensible traits, while the properties were used by themselves.They appeared as if it does not need the creature, but his ambitious for their mengerumuninya.Seandainya human-assembly is prevented from his association in which people pray to God there, the world feels cramped for him.They expect to do good to man, but if someone else had first appeared and before him, he felt restless and spiteful. If there are some friends who praised others who counter him, he acted to his friend's emotion.They are truly among the exposed guile, and a lot of warnings and back on the right path.KelompokKetujuhThey switch the orientation of the priority obligation advice. They are the advisers of this age who deviate, unless counsel is protected by Allah swt. They pursue obedience, doing ecstasy and cited discourses of rule of sharia law and justice, only to be admired. Another group instead used the words beautiful, with the aim of creating poems and that he witnessed the feelings met and parted with the Lord.Their orientation so that there is a kind of ecstasy in his association, albeit with destructive aims they actually satan-satan is the man who lost and misleading. If the above groups are not self-introspection, yet there are still others who corrects and aligns their actions. But for the latter, they are actually blocking the path of Allah, and dragged the man on the goals and guile to God with the discourses of aberrations, merely for the sake of disobedience and carnal love. Moreover, if the adviser is decorated with kebesayan clothing and appearance, they addressed the people to always obey, hoping for Allah's grace., To those who heard it was even despair of the grace of God Almighty.Group of EightThey received speech experts ascetic and chided her stories in the world, then they repeat it according to what has been memorized without having mastered the true meaning. One of them then stood in the pulpit to give advice to others, and others give advice on the markets, chatting here and there. They thought he would survive in the presence of God, receive forgiveness with experts to memorize words while his charitable own ascetic empty. Of course they are more powerful than the previous terpedayanya.The nine groupsThey drown their times in the field of hadith, that the whole history and tradition penyimakan a lot. They were looking sanad-sanad strange and high. Their desire to be touring the country and reported from the shaykhs, for then he could say, "I reported it from so and so, and I met so and so, I have a sanad-sanad that no one else has."Guile that hit them is in many ways, such as carrying their books. They do not concentrate on understanding the Sunnah and ponder upon its meaning, but limited to penukilan. They suspect that his action was enough, really far away! Even the purpose of studying traditions in terms of understanding the meaning and disappear just like that. First of all learn the traditions that are listening, then memorize, then understanding, then practice, the new spread. They just limit yourself to listen and can not make a decision that the law of science. When there is no point to the limitations of their work that way, while the hadith in this age can be read by children, they are deceived and negligent. While reading the hadith sheikh who was sometimes forget, his Hadith piled up but do not understand. The student may be asleep when the sheikh narrated, and the sheikh did not know when the student is tidur.Semua guile. The principle is to listen in penyimakan hadith of the Messenger of Allah, then memorize it and present it as such. History was born from memory, and rote penyimakan born. When penyimakannya weaker than the Messenger of Allah, he could hear or listen from a friend or tabi'in, so sima'nya of them as penyimakannya of the Prophet. He should pay attention and memorize as the friends and tabi'in memorize, so that no single word is neglected. Had he no right to doubt narrated or teach it. And he had to blame when there is an error.Hadith Memorization can be via two methods. First, through the heart by means of continuous and remembering. Secondly, through the writing of what is heard and pentashihan what is written, and then memorize it so that no change hands. In this case concentrated on the occasion of the book or books of hadith, the books should be neatly stored in library and maintained so as not to change other people. He should not be carried out writing penyimakan children, those who forgot and those who sleep. If it is okay, definitely penyimakan children should be written when the hadith penyimakan ayunan.Dalam conditions do exist quite a lot. The purpose is to practice and learn the traditions know it.Tradition has a lot of understanding as the Qur'an. History of the Abu Sufyan ibn Abul Khair al-Munhy, that he was present at the assembly Zahir ibn Ahmad as-Sarkhasy. Diriwayatkannya first hadith is the Prophet.: "Among the virtues of Islam a person is to leave what is not useful". Then he stood up and said, "It was enough for me until I'd finished, and then I listened to the others." So it is penyimakan the truth.The ten groupsThey are engaged in the field of science and language and poetry nahwu and rare languages. They are deluded here, because the suspect could have saved her disciplinary. They feel as clerical community. Because the establishment of religion and the Sunnah is accompanied nahwu science and language. Then they were immersed in the field. This really great keterpedayaan. If they thought for sure they know that the Arabic language as well as Turkey. People who devote their lives to the Arabic language like others who study the language of Turkey, India and others. They are only distinguished the shari'ah. Though the field of language is to know ilmul Gharib in the Book and Sunnah. And in terms of nahwu may have about the Book and the Sunnah, while steeped in the extreme to the infinite frequency are exaggerations that are not necessary. Experts in this case is actually exposed to guile.

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