Alternative medicine is increasingly loved by as many people who had been pessimistic and fail medically treated, even cured through alternative medicine. A thousand and one kinds of diseases can be cured. Ranging from mild illness to a super-class weight such as diabetes mellitus, stroke, or cancer. In fact, there are some patients who can not be cured by the methods of modern medicine and has been sentenced to "no hope", can be cured through acupuncture techniques.In addition to curing the disease, alternative medicine is also widely used for aesthetic or beautification interests.Nevertheless sebenarya what you know about this acupuncture? Acupuncture's own first name is absorbed from the Latin word "Acupuncture" which is a combination of two words Acus = needle and puncture = stab. Proper name of acupuncture has been known since the 17th century. The first book about akupunkture written by Dr. W. Ten Rhyne in 1683, a Dr. Holland who served long in Asia.Acupuncture itself is derived from the Chinese in Mandarin called the zhenjiu (read: cenciu). Based on the Chinese historian Sima Qian, and they have found evidence that acupuncture has been known since 5000 years ago. They used a sharp stone, bamboo and fish bones instead of needles.The first book on acupuncture written by Huang Fumi (215 -282) with the title "Zhenjiu Jiayjing" there clearly is written to the 349 points where acupuncture.Acupuncture also has long been known in Japan and Korea as the name "chimsul".Until now still being debated about the benefits of acupuncture. Does acupuncture really could cure people or just a placebo effect alone. However based on various studies and is also recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) has a lot of diseases can be cured through acupuncture such as headaches, back pain and nausea.Whatever people think about acupuncture, acupuncture treatment is guaranteed to be safe when performed by trained and do not use used needles. Besides, there are much cheaper cost than hospital treatment and general Dr.In America alone has more than 15 million people who use acupuncture treatment. To become an acupuncturist there they are required to follow special education so they can get a degree M.Ac. (Master's in Acupunture).The use of acupuncture needles from steel with a size between 0.18 mm to 0.51 mm which is the first sterile. The needle should only be used once.To detect their disease through examination of the tongue, pulse, face, voice and ears. Most important is the examination of the tongue and pulse on your wrist. Of the state of the tongue from the color, dryness, and the thickness of existing coating on the tongue can help diagnose a person's disease. As for power, speed and nature of the pulse can provide information about the health of the patient.Acupuncture is a method of treatment that utilizes stimulation of acupuncture points on the patient's body, ears or scalp to affect the body's bio-energy flow called Qi (pronounced Chi). Qi is flowing in the meridians (channels), so that the core of acupuncture treatment is to restore the system in balance (homeostasis) the body is manifested in the presence of a regular flow of Qi in the meridians and harmony so that the patient well again.At the time of needling therapy in most patients feel relaxed. The duration of therapy ranged from 15 to 20 minutes. Application of acupuncture treatment alone is now more widespread. Not only to restore the balance of homeostasis, but also to cause various effects, such as analgesia (pain relief) and anesthesia (anesthesia).Another effect is the application of acupuncture for healing, prevention (can increase endurance), support the sport (doping can cause effects without the use of drugs).While in the field of aesthetics (beauty) a variety of techniques have been developed one of them use botox as well as acupuncture and acupoint injection Mesoterapi.In the field of veterinary, acupuncture was found to increase the procurement of food and nutrients from animal protein by increasing the production and reproduction, such as beef cattle fattening, super stimulate ovulation, increase milk production and increase resistance to disease.Reflexology is an ancient and prescription drugs / drug therapy traditionally a highly efficient integrated system that is easy, and inexpensive. In addition, how to use no side effects. From the first drug - Ancient medicine or traditional medicine is indeed frequently used by our ancestors. Of science - the science of the excavated leluhurlah now and the results are remarkable. Even some types of plants that are efficacious as a medicine has been tested by a pharmaceutical laboratory and the results are very satisfactory.While reflexology is also already known to people since ancient times, especially by the Chinese. Even by medical experts, reflexology has been developed as an alternative treatment.A. Explanation of Important Massage TechniquesMassage techniques can be done in several ways, including:
Using your thumb
using the tip - fingertip
using the heel of the handType - type of diseases can be cured with How to MassageHigh blood pressureLow blood pressureDiabetesTyphusAppendicitisInflammation of the kidneyInflammation of the bladderInflammation of the uterusMastitisPneumonia - pulmonaryTonsillitislaryngitisPain bronchitis, etc.In massage, the first is a light massage pressure, then the inside (massage boosted).The requirement for the massage is not performed every day (at most 3 times a week). Once the massage performed approximately 15 minutes. In addition, patients should not be tense, and try to calm the situation. Try a massage at the time of supine sleep position. If you feel pain, pressure massage massage should be lightened and move to another part.after a massage will usually appear a reaction. Usually itching - itching, the pain will be felt tubah the added pain, chills and fever, and sometimes red urine.B. Sort - sort of Ancient Medicine / Traditional MedicineBandotanBandotan (Ageratum conyzoides L.) weed is a plant that grows in the yard, river, or in any place. The smell is not pleasant, but the plant contains many benefits for health. Parts used are usually leaf / stem fresh or young in the state can also be dried.MessengerMessengers (Peperomia pellucida L.) plants belonging to the watery, branched, stem bualt, slightly translucent pale green color. Keguanaannya among others for the treatment of rheumatism, kidney disease, stomach aches, headaches in patients with fever, ulcers, and others - others.LimanThis plant is widely grown on grass, river, or yard Ruma, and can grow anywhere. Batangya form erect, hairy, rigid rod-haired, dusky green leaves tau - victimization, tuberous flower shape, the color purple. As for khasitnya is used to treat abdominal pain, liver function pemperbaiki, tonsillitis, sore throat, sore eyes, kidney inflammation, and another - another.Purple pineapple shellsThis plant is classified as an ornamental plant and thrives in moist areas. Posture similar to pineapple plants and flower-like shells. bottom leaves are purple, and the top of the green. This plant is used as a remedy for acute and chronic bronchitis, tuberculosis glands, nosebleeds, basilar dysentery, dysentery, and other - other.Pearl grassWeeds usually grow in the garden or the river, serrated shaft. These plants are usually used for all types of cancer (such as cancer, uterine cancer, breast kenker, and others - others), appendicitis, hepatitis, mumps, tonsillitis, bronchitis, ulcers, and others - others.SambilotoBitter or papaitan is the type of plant that grows wild on the banks of the river or on the banks of burial. This plant is very bitter taste. Color green stems, small flowers out at the end of the armpit leaves arranged in a series of bunches. Typically used for acute kidney inflammation, typhoid, pneumonia, bronchitis, tonsillitis, appendicitis, and another - another.
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